Get Engaged in High Schools to Recruit Next Generation of Our Workforce
by Michael Gifford, AGC CO Advocacy Director, Former CEO/President - AGC Colorado
Your Company can Become a CEF Ambassador for the 2023-2024 School Year!
AGC and our Construction Education Foundation (CEF) are recruiting and training the next generation of our construction workforce through the Careers in Construction Colorado high school construction trades program. We are now in 48 high schools across the state and there are 3,000 students participating.
Engaging 3,000 students only benefits the industry if they also engage with companies within the industry. That’s where you come in. And the best part? Our experience shows that high school students are likely to pick an employer based on one simple data point. That data point is which company consistently showed up at their high school construction program to help and mentor.
However, it can be difficult to know how to get onto a high school campus, figure out who to talk to, and gain access to these students and programs. The good news is that CEF has taken care of all those details and makes it easy to get engaged – as a CEF Ambassador.
CEF Ambassadors engage with our high school programs in many ways. Here are a few:
• Get into the high schools, directly in front of students. This can be done by:
• Visiting classes. Tell them about your company and then show them what you do. Show them a path for growth.
• Bring a hands-on activity and walk them through it.
• Bring a presentation about your company, but don't talk AT them for too long. Involve them.
• Offer to visit classes when students have another project they're working on and be a mentor/guide for the work they're doing.
• Host students at a job site that can showcase specific work that you do, but work with other companies on the site for a more well-rounded, hands-on tour.
• Host students at your facility to learn more about who you are and what you do.
• Provide job shadow opportunities or internship opportunities for students whose schools allow school-year participation.
• Hire students for summer work. Visit schools and talk through potential job duties and walk them through the application process.
We are always looking for new and fun ways to engage students. Please sign up to be a CEF Ambassador and volunteer your time for the next generation of construction workforce! We have many school districts and high schools to choose from. To sign up, contact Lisa Seaman at or call Lisa at 303-523-7434. For a list of schools operated directly by CEF visit For the complete list of statewide schools statewide through our partnership with the Home Builders Association visit