Appreciation for Our Valued AGC Members
by Jeff Barratt, CEO/President - AGC Colorado
Every day I think to myself, “how can we better engage our valued AGC members?”
As an association, we can never take for granted that each of our member companies has a clear understanding of the value proposition which made them join initially, or what has kept them a member for however many years they have been affiliated with AGC.
The reasons why member companies renew with AGC year-after-year are varied, and the most common responses are:
1) The importance in having AGC as the leading voice for the construction industry at the Capitol, and the end of this legislative year was no different, and in fact, it was one of the busiest legislative sessions in some time. Kudos to Michael Gifford, AGC Advocacy Director, for his exhaustive efforts in working with lobbyists and legislators serving our membership and the industry as a whole, and the AGC Legislative Committee is one of our most active committees,
2) The value to the industry of our Culture of Care Activities, and the three very active working groups: a) Mental Health and Wellbeing, b) Supplier Diversity, and c) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,
3) The ability to upskill via AGC’s extensive catalog of professional development and training, participation in the Future Leaders Forum, a collective of under-40 managers with 5-8 years’ experience engaging in various activities sharpening their leadership skills,
4) Our extensive offerings of events and network activities as part of our membership engagement allowing members from AGC’s three tiers of membership – general and specialty contractors, and our associates level, and finally, 5) ability to join one of AGC’s Affinity programs (healthcare, 401k, workforce compensation) and receive discounts by being a member, along with other discounts provided by AGC America and other national purchasing partners (found here).
And speaking of membership engagement, I have previously mentioned my desire to connect our Southern and Northern committee/regions more with what is happening at AGC, and recently I attended a northern Colorado networking group that drew over 100 individuals from across the region, and I was able to meet individuals serving on the steering committee and gain valuable feedback on how we can serve our northern region more effectively. It’s the same need for our southern committee/region, and I’m excited that AGC is bringing back a Breakfast with the Board event in October with more details to follow. AGC also has an office located with our Careers in Construction Colorado partners in the Homebuilder Association offices, and I’m spending valuable time in the Colorado Springs area meeting with members and prospecting for new membership. I’m also excited to participate in the Mountain region activities in August and connect with members from our high country and western slope regions.
As an AGC member, and perhaps the best value is engaging in one of AGC Colorado’s 14 committees and councils. Aside from those groups I mentioned above, you can have members from your team engage in human resources, our safety council, A3LC (a liaison committee representing AIA, ACEC, and AGC), and the specialty contractors and sub relations committees. For more information, feel free to contact AGC’s Membership and Engagement Director, Stephanie Godwin, at, or visit AGC’s website,